By that's methed up, darling - 16/08/2013 21:33 - United Kingdom

Today, my boyfriend dragged me to the local McDonald's, refusing to drive me home until he ate. When I mentioned how dangerous that part of town is, he stopped and went all Walter White on me in front of everyone, spouting lines like "I AM the danger" and "I'M the one who knocks, babe." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 864
You deserved it 6 076

Same thing different taste


olpally 32

Yeah, okay. We got a badass bf over here... What an idiot thing to do.

I agree. I mean, making a big deal because the boyfriend just wants to eat? Very idiotic of OP.

olpally 32

I'm talking about the bf you fool. I got the joke. I'm a tard. I have a habit of "accidentally" sitting on cucumbers. I love Grammar Nazis.

olpally 32

Ahhh, the FML mods corrected my 2nd comment on this thread. thanks for making me look like more of an idiot, that was uncalled for.

olpally 32

And the FML mods won't let me re correct my comment and reword my original comments. Thanks guys. Love ya too.

OP's boyfriend is awesome. You've clearly have no sense of humor.

You're going to be so happy when you're 80 years old and alone because you've dumped every guy who made a joke or just wanted to eat for a bit without being nagged.

He has a sense of humour, how is he a douchebag for getting to do ONE thing that OP didn't want to do?

Obey_StudBoii 23

Your boyfriend seems controlling. Not cool at all.

wonderbreadtee 5

Not controlling, just a hungry guy trying to be a badass.

stewpididiot 11

Run!!! Run, forestina !! Run !!!!

And then the boyfriend stubs his toe and falls to the ground screaming like a little girl. Pride goeth before a fall.

Ultimawolf25 19

So many people in here with no sense of humor...

*Picks up salt grain* This, this is not meth

incoherentrmblr 21

Gator needs his gat, bitch! After getting fat...