By sopathetic - 26/02/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I were fooling around. I was sitting up on my bed when he reached down near my privates and said, "Wow babe, did you shave today? It's so soft..." He was actually touching my bottom roll above my vagina which delightfully formed a crease. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 014
You deserved it 22 047

Same thing different taste

Top comments

vitamin_f 0

Why does it crease vertically in the middle like a vulva does? That's what I don't understand, lol.

itsfuntobesexy 0


ewww, srry, thats kinda nastah, altho if shes sitting up kinda doesnt mean shes fat =S but still, kids a dumbass

your boyfriend is just a retard... and so are most of the guys/girls that have posted comments about your FML. don't even worry about it.

lil_miz_liz09 0

Oh god. That is so freaking gross. You guys are lucky you didn't see me throw up all over the place just now. I mean the very thought of a fat chick even having a boyfriend makes me vomit. Let alone actually have sex. I mean what has this world come to where fat chicks are now somewhat exceptable in social settings. Just please for the love of what ever god fat chicks pray to, Go on a diet.

saminess714 0

YDI for being THAT fat. Unless you had kids, then that happens sometimes. At #40: That's no excuse. Sure you can't blame them when they're seven, but they can grow out of it. That's just an excuse fat people use; "that's how I was brought up!" That's nice, now they're old enough to make their own decisions. If they wanted they could diet or exercise, but instead most people whine and complain about how none of it is their fault. Sure, a lot of people have problems losing weight, but even more people are satisfied being the way they are cause they can just blame it on their equally fat parents. People just need to grow up and take responsibility for their lifestyles. At #80: There's a difference between having a roll and having it to the point that it creases VERTICALLY. That's just sick.

STOP BEING INSENSITIVE PRICKS. Everyone saying that it is inappropriate to call someone out on being fat is right, but people still do all the time. Most 'fat' people ARE trying to lose weight, but fat is stubborn. Remember a few things. 1. Not all fat people overeat, because most of them are dieting constantly. 2. Dieting very seldom works that's why so many exist and more are created every day. 3. EVERYONE deserves to be loved and have sex. DEAL WITH IT. 4. It is not socially acceptable to be fat. Fat people are told they are ugly and undeserving of love. They are also frequently rejected from jobs and passed up for promotions because they don't 'look the part'. This is in fact discriminatory, but legal. 5. Genetics play a role in obesity and diabetes. While it is not necessarily 'predetermined' it is EXTREMELY difficult to overcome these obstacles. 6. MANY fat people exercise and go to the gym, which is very awkward because people stare, but the weight does not come off. 7. Obesity can be caused by medical conditions, such as hormone imbalances, which have become more prevalent in recent years. Before you judge other people for being fat, why don't you try it for a while. It will be a humbling experience. Try having everyone stare at you, judge, and sometimes despise you, without knowing you, because you are overweight. Think of how many fat people you judged and ignored because they weren't 'pretty' or 'good enough' for compassion. Learn some empathy and understanding. If you can't do this you are far uglier on the inside than any amount of fat could make someone on the inside. I am glad for my experience as a fat person because it saves me from the heartache of mistaking judgmental jerks and shallow people as friends. "If you could see my heart you might know me. If you could understand my past, it might faze you. If you could see my thoughts and ideas you might be amazed. But these things can never be, because above these is a sea of fat that block you view, and drowns my soul (From me)". "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad/ The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had/ I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take/..."(Lyrics to Mad World). OP: I'm sorry that happened. It is a little awkward, but I am sure he understands. Maybe next time say in a sex voice "lower" or something.

STOP BEING INSENSITIVE PRICKS. Everyone saying that it is inappropriate to call someone out on being fat is right, but people still do all the time. Most 'fat' people ARE trying to lose weight, but fat is stubborn. Remember a few things. 1. Not all fat people overeat, because most of them are dieting constantly. 2. Dieting very seldom works that's why so many exist and more are created every day. 3. EVERYONE deserves to be loved and have sex. DEAL WITH IT. 4. It is not socially acceptable to be fat. Fat people are told they are ugly and undeserving of love. They are also frequently rejected from jobs and passed up for promotions because they don't 'look the part'. This is in fact discriminatory, but legal. 5. Genetics play a role in obesity and diabetes. While it is not necessarily 'predetermined' it is EXTREMELY difficult to overcome these obstacles. 6. MANY fat people exercise and go to the gym, which is very awkward because people stare, but the weight does not come off. 7. Obesity can be caused by medical conditions, such as hormone imbalances, which have become more prevalent in recent years. Before you judge other people for being fat, why don't you try it for a while. It will be a humbling experience. Try having everyone stare at you, judge, and sometimes despise you, without knowing you, because you are overweight. Think of how many fat people you judged and ignored because they weren't 'pretty' or 'good enough' for compassion. Learn some empathy and understanding. If you can't do this you are far uglier on the inside than any amount of fat could make someone on the inside. I am glad for my experience as a fat person because it saves me from the heartache of mistaking judgmental jerks and shallow people as friends. "If you could see my heart you might know me. If you could understand my past, it might faze you. If you could see my thoughts and ideas you might be amazed. But these things can never be, because above these is a sea of fat that block you view, and drowns my soul (From me)". "I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad/ The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had/ I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take/..."(Lyrics to Mad World). OP: I'm sorry this happened, but I am certain he will understand. Maybe next time say "lower", or something, in a sexy voice. Sometimes love is funny and/or awkward. Take the good with the bad and move on. It definitely could be worse. Have a wonderful life. :)

To #88: RELAX. Go eat a donut or something. Shish. And I'm not a "fat racist" my GF weighs more then me and she's 5'5". I'm 6'2" and I love her more than anything in the world.

I don't know why some people are saying it's ok to be fat. Not to be horrible, but it's not okay. Not for us, but for you, it's dangerous and we should encourage and help them lose weight, not bully them into doing it.

bambi114 0

41 being fat and hairy is a turn on to some people fyi