By deadfish - 03/10/2009 16:28 - United States

Today, my 9 year-old little sister is coming back to town with the rest of my family. She specifically asked me to feed her fish. I totally forgot until she called me 10 minutes ago to tell me she was on her way home and couldn't wait to see her fishie. He's dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 352
You deserved it 61 660

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Put fishie in a little coffin, and put on your best black suit. Decorate the house like a funeral parlor and when she gets home you can tell her how brave and heroic fishie was, and now it is time to honor his memory. Make up some stupid story about fishie trying to save the house from burglars, how he scared them away but was mortally wounded in the fight. If she was stupid enough to trust you with feeding her fish, she'll be stupid enough to believe your story.

Get off the internet and go buy the stupid fish!


Try to do the same thing that happened in Deuce Bigalow, run and get a new one and hurry home and put the new one in the bowl the very second she walks in the room. Epic style.

Prawn_fml 2

Cruel. If you were left in charge of your sister, would you forget to feed her, too?

SeximusPrime 0

Do the world a favor and NEVER have children.

mattoon11 2

My dad did that this my fish he didn't feed it for 10 days and it lived. His new nick name is super fish.