By Anonymous - 08/12/2011 18:14 - United States

Today, marks the two weeks since my paycheck should have arrived. During these two weeks, my battery has failed, tire has blown, and my phone and water bill have become past due. When I called the guy who's supposed to pay me, he said he has a note about it "somewhere on my desk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 820
You deserved it 2 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

every1luvsboners 11

Go take a shit on his desk then tell him you left him a note on his desk.

This is why we can't have nice things...


perdix 29

You're too meek to conduct business by yourself. You need to hire a pimp to slap that money out of your deadbeat john. Even if you are not literally a *****, those of us who work for others essentially are.

TheDrifter 23

But not telling them that is for the best. That was an awkward lawsuit.

do what a friend of mine did when his employer was giving him the run around on his paycheck ... bring the police in

YDI for not having a backup plan an living paycheck to paycheck. Kids these days...

Dumbass. You obviously don't realize that living paycheck to paycheck is a bad thing, do you? Anf do you know how often many people get their paycheck? Every two weeks. So for this guy to still be able to feed himself, I'd say it's pretty impressive.

29 - Because everyone has cash flowing from their pockets, we're all just so rich!

29, What would be the back up plan to living paycheck to paycheck? Armed robbery?

moomoomeow2 7
hateevryone 14

that sucks. i hope you eventually get your money.

Yeah but I'm sure that if u sue him he won't be ur boss for much more.

kristidgranger 3

Threaten to call the labor board