By Bawsack - 26/09/2016 10:10 - United Kingdom - Edinburgh

Today, it's my last day at my job because I'm moving to another city. My boss handed me a card and chocolates. The same boss that didn't sign the card because, "Even though you're a great employee, I probably won't remember your name in a fortnight." I've been there three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 854
You deserved it 1 103

Top comments

It probably sounded better in his mind than "I /really/ want an excuse to use the word 'fortnight'."

Hey, at least you got some chocolates! A lot of bosses wouldn't even bother with that. Chocolate makes everything better.


You're not alone, OP. I worked three years at my last job, in an industry where people rarely work in one place for a year, let alone longer. They had an employee anniversary plaque with the names of everyone who had worked there for a year or more, and guess whose name was never put on it, even after (politely) bringing it up to them more than once? In short, I feel your pain. It's hard to get any kind of appreciation at a job these days.

seriously? He didn't sign the card? wah....stop whining.