By cjd - 23/03/2012 14:23 - Canada - Montreal

Today, in health class we were watching a documentary about anxiety. My teacher asked if any of us often feel anxious. I was too anxious to raise my hand, and went into a minor panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 438
You deserved it 4 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know how it feels to have anxiety, and I wouldn't have raised my hand either.

Panic attacks are horrible, sorry OP... :(


I feel for you OP. I have a severe anxiety disorder and have had my fair share of moments like this. Not trying to steal the spotlight, but I know how you feel. I hope you get better!

#43 I have severe anxiety as well. I have to start high school soon! Any advice?

50 - I use to have a lot of anxiety in high school. Facing fears head-on is the fastest way of overcoming them, so I put myself in a school play. It was super scary having 200+ people watching your every move, but it was worth it bc I no longer get anxious. From that experience, I would say that you should def join clubs where you can interact more with people and put yourself out there to face the anxiety. It's also good for boosting self-esteem and for finding a core group of friends, which is good to have in high school. Also, don't beat yourself up bc of mistakes or embarrassing moments. Everyone experiences that. Hope you don't mind me chiming in and that this helps you in some way

50- Just a question and I mean no offense by it, but wouldn't someone with severe anxiety be afraid to even post a profile picture of their face? Just curious:p

There are different kinds of anxiety so um no! Wtf!

Jesus **** it was just a question. I even said I meant no offense. I was just curious. A simple no there is multiple types would have sufficed. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with every ******* type of anxiety.

eddyg94 11

pretty silly question from the teacher obviously, but come on, if it's that bad you need to go see someone!

Well if you had a minor panic attack I guess your secret is out now. Find something you really like to do. A hobby you have always been curious about and learn how to do it. It will help your confidence level. If you live in an area where it is possible find a club to join where you will find people that share an interest. That will put you in social situations in which you may feel more relaxed.

Yet another "anxiety" post. Come on people 10 years ago it was called being shy. Get over it.

#47 Being shy is drastically different than having an anxiety disorder. Don't be so ignorant.

awepeach 3

I'm sorry that happened but it's kind of hilarious. You know the more you expose yourself to society the better you will feel and your anxiety can be reduced that way. It's a skill for life you need to have so get out there and break the ice, and talk to random people more. Lay off the internet. I think this can help isolate people and contribute to their soc-anx.

hateevryone 14

That awkward moment........

I get like this a lot, so I know exactly how you feel. I find myself funny when I do it over small things, but it just can't be helped in certain situations.

sioux4 17

I have anxiety too so I totally know what its like. I wouldn't have raised my hand.

How do you get an anxiety attack from raising your hand?

Social anxiety. Maybe even some events that happened before the event.

you became anxious about a general question.....could have been worse i guess. you could have losses yourself too.