By cjd - 23/03/2012 14:23 - Canada - Montreal

Today, in health class we were watching a documentary about anxiety. My teacher asked if any of us often feel anxious. I was too anxious to raise my hand, and went into a minor panic attack. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 438
You deserved it 4 810

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know how it feels to have anxiety, and I wouldn't have raised my hand either.

Panic attacks are horrible, sorry OP... :(


You in class: Teacher!! Teacher me!! Teacher!! Why don't you choose me?!? Teacher!!! xDDD

I know I'll get thumbed down into the 7th layer of hell for this but whatever; I know some people have conditions were they have excessive anxiety, but for the average person you just need to realize nobody gives a shit about you. I used to be the same way, afraid to answer questions on class and shit but if you think about it, no one else really cares and will forget everything you said/did within 30 minutes, so dont be afraid to put yourself out there. my public service announcement for the day. *bows*

linkinpark98 23

At least you were in health class! :) And not P.E. or something that requires your full attention.

SmittyJA24 26

That's 1 of the key signs on anxiety :)

geod69 8