By Anonymous - 16/09/2014 18:28 - Canada - Coquitlam

Today, in college, we were asked at what age girls tend to become physically attractive. Wrongly thinking the answer was in relation to puberty, I said, "Umm... 11 or 12?" Now everyone thinks I'm some kind of pedophile. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 232
You deserved it 9 560

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No girl is attractive until they're legal... that rule will keep you out of jail

Girls are like multiplication, if the number is small enough, it's best to just do them in your head.


The answer to that question, when asked in that setting, is to let someone else go first.

Well there's a lot of slutty 12 year olds out there that look a lot older than they really are.

Try to laugh it off and explain the confusion. You do NoT want them thinking you are a pedo

nitrog100 21

Don't even worry about it, OP. It was a college class, so they probably think that you're just some kind of ephebophile: an individual that is attracted to pubescent girls. Huge difference.

Here's the math: Take your age, divide in half, add 8. This is the lowest age you should consider for dating.

mikaellikestacos 14

What I see it as is this. When you are that age you find others the same age attractive. not sexually attractive when you are that young hopefully. but as time goes on you either get interested in older or younger (depending on how young). I started feeling sexually attracted and having the urge to do things when I was about 16. so really it's most likely different from person to person

That sucks because you were right, I'm 16 years and I'm not active ( im too scared). but I know middle school kids who already have 4 bodies. Like when do you have time?!

Lol I saw how everyone was looking at you when you said that at class

technically you were correct... attractiveness is a matter of oppinion and most kids begin finding themselves attracted to people when they start puberty... so any age below 18 would have been correct... as would any age above 18. it's all a matter of opinion

laylaeve 9

I don't think your creepy I just think you should've clarified what was being asked before you answered. People will eventually get over it.