By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 292
You deserved it 7 332

Same thing different taste


WOOOW!! what an ASSHOLE.. seriously!! he's an idiot to jump to that kind of a conclusion.. wtf?? im really hoping you dumped him..

Stephnesss 0

Well. You certainly picked a winner. He's an idiot. Birth control doesn't mean you have to have sex to be on it.

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

I'm on birth control. I don't have sex all the time. (haha) It's just in case. He's an idiot. Dump his ass.

dramakat11 0

Wow, what an asshole. Well you could take him with you to the doctor or something and have the doctor assure him that you are not lying. This would give him proof. But I'm not sure you should even continue the relationship if he really refuses to believe you. It seems like he's just very insecure and/or tragically ignorant to the fact that conditions of your sort are somewhat common. Perhaps he thought that conditions of that sort don't exist and it sounded to him like a lie. Men do tend to be pretty ignorant of such things, so I don't completely blame him if that's the case. He really shouldn't have jumped to conclusions in the first place because there are a multitude of reasons for taking the pill. Since I've been on the pill, I've had hardly any cramps. I used to be doubled over screaming into my pillow in agony every month. If you love him, prove it to him and then have a long talk about trust (and perhaps learning more about female biology.) Then again, I am also very jealous and insecure. It's something you have to work on. Good luck.

americayay 0

If he loves her, he'll google it himself and she won't have to prove anything. Just saying, I'm not going to fall over trying to prove I'm not a liar to the one person who should believe me.

helios_rex 0
themixedt4pe 0

This sounds borderline (if not completely) abusive and psychotic. Unless he's bipolar and forgot to take his meds, end it, move on, and be glad you're rid of his sorry ignorant ass.

He sounds like an asshole. Trust me, you're better off without him. Speaking of birth control, I'm on it too for the exact same thing, but thankfully my boyfriend isn't a ******** :P

He's an idiot for not trusting you. I have to wonder why you're not having sex, though. Surely you understand why he'd be a bit upset about that? Heck, if you don't get a period, you can't get pregnant! I'd think you're having as much sex as you can to take advantage of your good luck!

themixedt4pe 0

I'm pretty sure you CAN get pregnant if you have no period. And in case you didn't notice, pregnancy has nothing to do with why she's on the pill.

You don't know how old they are, that's a ridiculous thing to say. And you can still get pregnant, it's just harder.

People with ammenoria can still get pregnant. I also lack most periods however had no problems planning my daughter. Although not always the case but probably more often then properly taking the pill.

You don't know how old they are or how long they have been going out, and not every one has sex right away, i know a ton of people who waited until marriage, the media just makes it seem like after the first couple dates you have to do it, which is stupid. anyway if I were her and I wouldn't wanna have sex with a jealous bastard like him

americayay 0

Wow. That is such terrible advice. "Just **** him and he'll love you." I hope your thinking process grows a bit before you're ever in a position to advise a girl in this situation.

Leave him, don't waste your time with a jerk who has trust and anger issues. Escape now.

t_straw 0

I actually think i have that same condition.