By Anonymous - 30/06/2009 14:45 - United States

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend throwing my birth control box at me and shouting that I was a slut for cheating on him since we never had sex. I attempted to explain the birth control was for a condition I have that causes my period to be non-existent. He didn't believe me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 292
You deserved it 7 332

Same thing different taste


Why can't you have it just in case anyway?

ffpoisongirl 0

I sympathize, I've got the same condition but I don't have the cash for the pills. Besides, you could've been preparing to have sex with him eventually. You have to be on the pill a month ahead of time before you can safely have baby-free sex.

cxal_fml 0

if you are in the US, you can get free birth control through the government- you'll get an an access card (same card used for food stamps, medicaid, and veterans pay) but you will only be able to use it for gyno visits and birth control. Planned parenthood can tell you where to apply - I think you can apply on your states website, but its been so long since I've done it, I don't remember where I applied

ohreally123 0

What an insecure moron. Lots of women are of birth control and don't have sex. It makes periods manageable, helps with health problems like yours, and is even required for some common medications like accutain. Also, I'm sure he's seen those four period a year commercials so he should know that birth control has other uses.

FML for having to read this. How is this an FML? CMON!

rockstar10 0

It's an FML because someone she is obviously close to doesn't trust her or respect her or her body at all. I'd say that's a pretty big FML.

I have the same or close condition. I got my period twice a year before starting the pill, and once I started taking it, I stopped feeling like crap all the time, and it helped my hormones balance out. It didn't mean I was ready for sex, just ready for my body to stop screwing me over. You should let him read the instructions that come with the pills. Maybe then he'll understand why you're taking them.

OP here (Wrote this anonymously this morning). I think there are a few things to clear up due to the comments I've read. I would like to thank you all that support me for the condition I have and agreeing my now EX-boyfriend is a jerk. 1: For all the people who say the condition is fake or that they wish they had it, it's called Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS. It's real, and some of the symptoms are a non-existant period, fluctuating weight, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. If you people who want what I have, I would gladly trade you for a regular period. 2: I was not living with my boyfriend, but he did have the key to my apartment so he could come in when he wanted or needed. I don't know his reason for coming this morning but he isn't welcome anymore. 3: While I did not tell him about the birth control, I have told him I refuse to have sex until I'm married. It's not a religious thing, it's a personal decision that I thought he respected. I want my virginity to be taken by someone I know loves me, obviously it was not him. I think that's it for now. Thank you those who commented positively and for those who didn't, I hope you have a better understanding now.

I have PCOS too... I'm glad you dumped him!

If you told him you wanted to wait till you were married, I can see why he got angry. I mean, obviously he's very much in the wrong here, but if he didn't know that birth control pills could be used to treat medical conditions, then the obvious conclusion for him to jump to is that he's been lied to. But he should have believed you. And he shouldn't have been so bloody paranoid... and where did he find them? Was he looking through your bathroom cabinet or something? >_

I'm finding it hard to believe that we're living in a day and age where people are completely void of the knowledge that birth control pills serve more than just one function. With all the commercials of new birth control pills with things like dsrp that are used to help alleviate the symptoms of periods or help control things like pmdd, you'd have to be kind of a twat to jump to the automatic conclusion that if someone's on the pill, they're a ****. It sounds to me like he's a real backwards idiot, and good thing you got rid of him.

zee209 0

A good friend of mine has PCOS...she's still a virgin and takes birth control. I can't believe all the negative comments these people left saying 'you should have told him'. You didn't have to tell him anything. It's your medication and he doesn't need to know.. And for the people sayinf YDI for not having sex with him, well they can all **** off...It's the OPs choice for wanting to wait for marriage, and that's a very respectable choice. OT: Also, others who are saying things about thinking a girl is a **** for taking birth's not...even if she does take it to prevent pregnancy she's being very responsible, instead of having unprotected sex and having a kid when she's not ready.

bluemonkeyfearer 6

The moment I read this FML, I thought, "Ahh, PCOS... the unpleasantness that you cause." When I was diagnosed with it at 15 after going for a year and a half with no periods, the pill was prescribed for me, but my mother wouldn't let me take it. According to my parents, I was nothing but a skanky ***** who would take that as an opportunity to screw every guy that came near me. I was too afraid to even TALK to guys, let alone have sex with them. (FML) At 19, I didn't know I was pregnant until two months in. Now my munchkin is almost a year old, and I've taken a dozen pregnancy tests in the last four months because a late period is never a good indication of pregnancy for me, I've been having other symptoms, and I'd like to know a little sooner this time. I may or may not have had a miscarriage in March... and now I'm feeling pregnant again, and wondering how soon I can get another test without making everyone at Dollar General think that I'm actively trying to get pregnant. PCOS causes lots of sucky issues. Hit your boyfriend in the head for me.

OP here. I had accidentally left them on my dresser after I had taken one the day before. I usually keep them in a small drawer.

My best friend that's like my sister has the same thing. I see how much she goes through and feel sorry for her because she really wants a baby. On another note, your ex-boyfriend is really a jerk for not believing you. You will find a guy one day that will stand by you and be supportive.

you should've told him "Google it bitch..."

xirrashunal 0

Sounds like he was unaware there are a lot of other reasons to take birth control than just birth control and freaked out a bit. Glad your rid of him though if he's a jerk

Quite honestly, I think the people here who are making comments like "You should have told him first" or "Why aren't you having sex with him" are being ridiculous. Why should she be obligated to tell him about her personal medical history or the medications she's taking if it doesn't directly affect him? I don't tell my boyfriend about every Tylenol I take for my headaches or Aleve for menstrual cramps. It's a personal thing. She should tell him because... if he sees the birth control box he's going to jump to conclusions and become an insulting, immature ass? I'm pretty sure that's his own fault then. I can understand his INITIAL thought was that she was having sex, but the fact that she tried to explain it to her and he wouldn't have any of it is horrible. It's called trust and understanding. He seems to have exemplified neither of those in this case. People who condone his throwing a box at her and yelling a derogatory word at her make me sick. And she could not be having sex with him yet because... oh, I don't know... they're not ready? You don't know how long they've been together or if they're mentally or emotionally ready. For those who assume they're living together already, they could be college where people sleep over in each other's room often but aren't necessarily living together. Pretty much, anyone who clicked YDI on this, in my opinion, was a little too YDI-trigger-happy.

pommeblossom 0

I believe you. PCOS, right? I have it too.