By Sophies - 26/12/2013 00:45 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I woke up on Christmas morning to find that a large cock and balls had been keyed into the windscreen of my car. My new, two-week-old car, which I will be paying off for the next four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 657
You deserved it 3 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Replace it... You don't have to leave it like that forever :)

challan 19

Those wankers! So ballsy of them. They basically pissed all over you, Op. Do you live by the docks? Those semen are rough characters. Did you call the police? I would, in a hairy situation like this. Those guys are nuts!


\ 28

Odds of finding a new car at a junkyard, however, aren't particularly high

Are windshields in the UK made of mesh? Why are they called windscreens?

replace it duh. not permanent damage at all.

Not to be picky, but requiring you to replace it kinda defines it as being 'permanent' damage, otherwise one wouldn't need to replace it...

Ihavegas 22

wish people stopped dicking about

Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?

That sucks. But at least it was the windscreen and not the bonnet!

KB616 11

At least here in the U.S., if you go file a police report for vandalism & then notify your insurance, you should get the windshield replaced for free, without your premiums going up. That's how it worked for me, & others I know.

Dude that is super easy to replace you don't even have to buy a new windshield just call those people that you see on the commercial that will cover the scratch with like some liquid gel thing and that works great trust me I would know