By Sophies - 26/12/2013 00:45 - United Kingdom - Bristol

Today, I woke up on Christmas morning to find that a large cock and balls had been keyed into the windscreen of my car. My new, two-week-old car, which I will be paying off for the next four years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 657
You deserved it 3 131

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Replace it... You don't have to leave it like that forever :)

challan 19

Those wankers! So ballsy of them. They basically pissed all over you, Op. Do you live by the docks? Those semen are rough characters. Did you call the police? I would, in a hairy situation like this. Those guys are nuts!


That's awful! People who do things like that need to be locked up, except that they don't learn from just being locked up. Instead they need to pay for the damage and repair it, and be forced to walk around in public with a huge sign saying: "I'm a vandal with the maturity level of a 6-year-old" Yes, I do believe in humiliating people for their crimes. >:)

NatalieOntheTram 11

Agreed. Public shaming works wonders. Jail? Not so much.

Girlie7 11

I guess they didn't know you were a girl, they needed to keyed a ******, not a dick with balls

Windscreen replacement isn't that expensive. Even some insurance companies if you opt for it in the premium include one free windscreen replacement per year (well at least in Australia). But OP seriously I would replace it. Anything etched into glass weakens those points and being a main glass panel in your car it could be dangerous in the event it shatters or gets broken while driving. Your life is more valuable than the cost of the repair.

It's a windscreen just take it off...unless it's a British term I don't know...

Shouldn't things like this be done on Holloween?