By campus pussy - 22/03/2014 21:08 - United States - Ross

Today, I woke up, ate breakfast, and left my dorm room, only to see about half a dozen people and my roommate shuffling around in the hall. Their zombie outfits and limping were so realistic that I freaked out and ran back inside, screaming. They think it was the greatest prank ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 013
You deserved it 11 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They're lucky nobody got hurt. Last time somebody jumped out at me in the dark as a "joke" I floored them before I realised what was going on.

They're right. It was the greatest prank ever. Lighten up, it's funny!


You do realise zombies are fictious, right?

But infectious diseases that cause reduced mobility, incoherence, lethargy, and altered complexions do exist. Con plague might as well be a zombie virus, from what the victims look like if they get hit hard.

All you need to survive, is to surround yourself with treadmills.

hahaha Genius! I want to be with you in the event of a zombie apocalypse...

babygurll19 10

With all the zombie obsessions in the media and the world around us, believing a zombie apocalypse is occurring is nothing to be embarrassed about in this situation. I don't blame you, OP!

Ya I carry a knife and am preped for zombie this would end badly if it were me

Mysterious_one 26
callmeave 10

is say it was the greatest prank ever.

thank god you didn't have a sharp object on you