By kelizabeth - 05/08/2009 18:17 - United States

Today, I went with my fiancé to meet his parents. He was really sweet the whole way there, and once we got there he introduced me as 'the girl I'm going to marry'. His parents took one look at me and said, "Are you sure?" I laughed, because I thought they were joking. They weren't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 129
You deserved it 3 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well seeing as you got engaged before meeting his parents i'm assuming you hadn't been dating for very long. So it's quite possible that it wasn't anything against you, The "Are you sure" could of meant "Are you sure you want to get married, you haven't been dating long"

doodlebug93 0

i think you mean in-laws, not step parents. :)


question! why didn't you meet his parents before you two got engaged? i don't understand why people wait until they are engaged to met their fiance's parents.. or did you meet them before and they just never liked you..

jemsmej 0 the moment, tattoos are more permanent than marriage.

Whirling_Kumquat 0

Uh yeah, seriously....this is 2009. People are changing spouses like pairs of shoes.

Who cares what they think? They're not marrying you. If you make their son happy, they should be happy, if only for him. I've never understood the need for parental approval for marriage... as long as you're both adults, and you genuinely want to be together, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. FY fiancee's life for having to put up with such judgmental parents.

Some people have an odd, twisted sense of humor; when surprised, or placed into an awkward position, they will blurt out the wrong thing. I would think your fiancé would know the mind of his parents. If they were serious, I would have insisted that I be taken home immediately.

girlygirl666 0

Wow, FarSide- a normal, comment?? I'm stunned! OP- Maybe they didn't mean it in a bad way. They could be just the Thor of people that don't have much tact, and just blurt things out like FarSide said.

girlygirl666 0

Oops- edit the typo- * type- not * Thor. No idea how the hell that happened.

Did you in turn ask him if he was sure he wanted them to be at the wedding? That would shut them up right quick.

We don't know you. But that was a pretty jerk move they made. He shouldn't have taken them by surprise like that though. It's one thing to announce you're getting married, it's quite another to announce it during a freakin' introduction. Still, "Are you sure?" was absolutely the wrong thing for them to say, and it shows that they have little tact.

Protegas 0

Eh, always better to meet the parents, before deciding to get married. But that's just my opinion...

nikki1001 0

If you're engaged and never met the parents, then you either weren't together long enough to be engaged already, or his parents live far away from you and you never got the chance. Either way, that sucks, but at least you love each other so who cares?