By Briscuit - 01/06/2012 21:05 - Canada - New Westminster

Today, I went to the hospital for stomach pains, and was told that it sounds like I have an ovarian cyst. My mom went into a rage, screaming that I'd lied to her about being a virgin. Despite the doctor explaining that sexual activity has nothing to do with it, she refuses to believe him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 271
You deserved it 2 001

Briscuit tells us more.

2- My mother did eventually understand you can get it while still being a virgin. She thought the doctor was covering for me so I wouldn't have to tell her I was sexually active. When we got home we looked up articles and I proved it to her. Either way, I'm still going to be in a crap load of pain when these puppies burst if they decide not to remove them...

Top comments

So she believes the doctor's diagnosis but not his explanation? Sorry OP hope your mom comes around soon.

I'm sorry about your mum! Get better soon!


Aww Im sorry that happened to me last year. Only what made everything WORSE was the doctor suggesting (right in front of my already paranoid father) that I go on the pill to help prevent any future problems. I later heard my dad telling my mom how they "failed as parents because their daughter is a ****"

This truly sucks! try to stay positive and feel better.

Ignorance.!! And sorry about the cysts. Those hurt like a bitch.

some people just look for evil and wrong for them feeling of being right....good luck OP

linnie_wesker 20

If there's anything I've learned in life it's don't let anyone, especially your family, influence your decisions about your sex life. Tell everyone it's none of their goddamn business.

Mums think they know everything! They even think their all of a sudden doctors...

FYL for having such an ignorant idiot for a mother!!!

Your mother is a retard. No offense.

WTF1215 0

I currently have six cysts on my ovaries and my mom still believes it's from being sexually active. She refuses to believe otherwise. But good luck. :)