By Briscuit - 01/06/2012 21:05 - Canada - New Westminster

Today, I went to the hospital for stomach pains, and was told that it sounds like I have an ovarian cyst. My mom went into a rage, screaming that I'd lied to her about being a virgin. Despite the doctor explaining that sexual activity has nothing to do with it, she refuses to believe him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 271
You deserved it 2 001

Briscuit tells us more.

2- My mother did eventually understand you can get it while still being a virgin. She thought the doctor was covering for me so I wouldn't have to tell her I was sexually active. When we got home we looked up articles and I proved it to her. Either way, I'm still going to be in a crap load of pain when these puppies burst if they decide not to remove them...

Top comments

So she believes the doctor's diagnosis but not his explanation? Sorry OP hope your mom comes around soon.

I'm sorry about your mum! Get better soon!


Tell her to get some brains I feel sorry for you op.

wtf? your mom is clueless and paranoid.

That sucks so bad OP... I had one before. Was misdiagnosed by the ER as having HPV when it was really a ruptured cyst on my ovary... Nothing like that pain with a little "treat me like I'm a *****" on top to make you feel better... Ugh! Get better soon!

Your mother is an idiot. Hopefully they did an ultrasound to see how large it is. You may need surgery to have it removed. I had one removed 4/mo ago because it was the worst pain in my life. Good Luck!

mrsmillsy 10

I have poly-cystic ovaries too, it sucks when you get a sore stomach! Unlike you though, I only get it through sex at this stage, and not all the time.

It's such pain having pcos!! Hate it, currently trying to find some way of calming down symptoms ... Although dr suggested ovarian drilling. Eeeek

gnomish10 0

I have pcos and I was told by my doctor not to eat pork or beef and it will help calm it down. Sounds crazy but I feel a lot better and don't have the pains near as much

My dr just told me ovarian drilling but I did research and it's only used as a fertility treatment for pcos.... So I'm going to try the pill... Was diagnosed two years ago when hubby and I were trying for children, didn't work even with all the drugs, I have ruptures all the time but they never require surgery thank god.

Really?? All my doctor gave me was the pill because i rarely get my period andi have to get a diabeties test every year. She just said come back when you want to have kids. I might try that thanks

I'm lucky if I get them once a year

yoursucklives 36

for some reason i read that op had stomach penis. i was very confused for a moment.

My daughter has ovarian cysts that keep coming back. They can be controlled through estrogen, by taking the pill! she had to start taking it at 15, for medical reasons. Thankfully I had a reasonable husband that understood if was for Medical reasons only! Let's see if your doctor prescribes the same thing and if your mother will understand this?! It is better than surgery and the possibility of losing an ovary at such a young age, which was another option stated to us. Good Luck, you might need it.

venomousddog 19

Maybe she will get one and have fun trying not to feel like an idiot when making an apology to you