By embarassed - 12/10/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, I went to the grocery store. I saw a very cute guy in the aisle and smiled. He smiled back and blushed a little. He walked over and I flirted with him. He said, "I thought you should know the zipper on your jeans is down" and walked away. It was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 490
You deserved it 6 820

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least he told you. That's when you laugh it off because it's not that big of a deal and say "Thank you".

I believe incidents, just like this one, tend to happen often. Regardless if it's fake or's highly amusing, because you know its just happened to someone else in real life. ;D


breeezyvee 0

uhhm. don't leave your zipper down.. otherwise though it's not that big of a deal ..

lol helen i wonder if shes a Virgin too . any time i see a hot girl, i look at face, boobs, mons pubis, and butt in that order. and i try to focus and find something attractive if shes not a 10 

breeezyvee 0

what are you , 5? Virginia. not much funny bout it.

Your reply? "I know. Come into the bathroom and I'll do yours."

Should have flirted with him more... Duh. Or pressed his hand on it erotically, rubbing it all over your crotch.

tropicthunder 3

Ive always wonderd why girl jeans have zippers lol

i wonder why you wonder about girls wearing jeans with zippers.

Don't be so confident? Is that really your advice?

Of course, there is the observation of how and why he noticed your predicament in the first place. *chuckles*

Why is this an FML moment? You would've wanted the jeans off anyway.. & if he was indeed looking at your crotch, it shows he was scanning you very carefully, which he wouldn't have done if he was not interested in you... you had a great start.. you could've said something like: You've seen mine, now show me yours.. Its cheezy, but I'm sure would've worked..