By BadLuck - 27/10/2013 14:30 - United States - Milwaukee

Today, I went to the doctor to see why my walking pneumonia wasn't getting any better. It had. I've just somehow managed to also contract mono... while sitting home, alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 905
You deserved it 2 783

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Um, I think it's time to check for pervy ghosts.

Mono doesn't start taking effect for like a month or two later. So it all depends on what you were doing then. But I feel your pain. Feel better!!


I'm pretty sure the mono virus can lay dormant for a significant amount of time before symptoms are present. Basically an incubation period; so a lot virus can rear their ugly heads long after being contracted. But still, that's some crappy luck, and some crappy immunity rolled into one.

Hmm Mono lies dormant for several weeks until the symptoms occur, so you actually probably contracted it and then got pneumonia, and the two illnesses exacerbated one another. That sucks! When I had mono I also got laryngitis -__- Hang in there OP

Goblin182 26

You have walking pneumonia but at least you don't have the boogie woogie flu.

Its kind of funny. Cause my sister got mono and after awhile they went to the doctor to see why it wasnt better. She had contracted pneumonia

It's ok, I'm 15 and had mono last summer I'm august. It's really not that bad as long as you go to bed early and tough it out when your throat hurts.