By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, I went to see "Black Swan" with my parents, not realizing that it was basically a porno. So I sat next to my dad while Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman had passionate lesbian sex on a twenty foot screen. And I'm pretty sure I heard the old guy behind us jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 7 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think that qualifies as **** you obviously aren't a regular Internet user...

xFalzz 0

Thats why you should research movies before seeing them.


FMiaVita 2

Oh my gosh! the same thing happened to me last saturday! i was with my mom and i was so uncomfortable having to see her have lesbian sex and ********** and get crotch grabbed by a girl and a guy. that was the most disturbing movie iv ever seen. she got mad that i went to see this "too mature movie." There were actually a lot of old ladies in the theater. i wounder how they felt.

Macadamia_fml 0

Umm, excuse me, but Black Swan is *not* "basically a porno". It's beautiful and unique. To describe it so degradingly is really immature. Maybe you shouldn't see movies like that at all if you can't understand the depth of the meaning and instead just think "omg lesbianz havin sex0rz!!"

sorry but if you think black swan is a porno then you're obviously inequipped to choose a suitable movie to watch with your parents. dumb.

The film was rated R for strong sexual content, among other things, and as other commenters have pointed out, a few minutes of lesbian sex does not a porno make. Also, the lesbian scene was pretty hyped, so it's hard to see how someone who knew anything about the movie going in could have not known it was coming. Ftr, I saw the movie with a male friend, and again later with my parents, and neither experience was uncomfortable.

Way to be dramatic. It is safe to assume the guy behind you was doing no such thing. You obviously live a sheltered life to even consider that ****. I have worse things in my phone. Again. Way to be dramatic.

Actually that was me who was jerking off behind you. Except I wasn't jerking off to Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman ... I was jerking it to the back of your head! :()

If you don't like art films don't watch them dumbshit.

SusannaLuv 0

Awww, the lesbian sex scene. My favorite part of the whole movie. :) Jk!

Well Black Swan wasn't really a porno at all. That was the only "sex scene" and it didn't even show anything. It was pretty damn hot the way they shot it though. Just sayin'!