By Anonymous - 24/01/2011 00:07 - United States

Today, I went to see "Black Swan" with my parents, not realizing that it was basically a porno. So I sat next to my dad while Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman had passionate lesbian sex on a twenty foot screen. And I'm pretty sure I heard the old guy behind us jacking off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 869
You deserved it 7 159

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think that qualifies as **** you obviously aren't a regular Internet user...

xFalzz 0

Thats why you should research movies before seeing them.


Obviously you've never actually seen a porno if this is your idea of ****.

I LOVE how everyone's making fun of OP for not knowing exactly what a porno is like. I mean, seriously, lmao. Everyone's like, "Dude, I know a lot more about **** than you, I jack off every night. Leave the **** references to cool guys like me." LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

haha I saw it with my dad... it was awkward. I seriously had no clue what the movie was about.

Megg5 2

I saw that with my mom. Only she was the one in the theater making masturbating sounds and laughing.

Wait, was Black Swan rated R in America? It was only MA15+ in Australia (I didn't see it at the cinema though, watched it when a bunch of friends came over). Anyway, the scene was not that awkward. I actually analysed Black Swan for my English assessment, it's a good film (I'm 15 and in Year 10, by the way).

What constitutes a porno varies dramatically depending upon whether you are watching it with your parents or not. Apparently my uncle used to watch (16 mm actual film) **** with his dad (my grandfather). I find this thought rather disturbing.

Taydean 1

haha I has the same thing happen to me but then my dad asked me if I had lesbian wet dreams:/