By poormom - 27/06/2009 04:05 - United States

Today, I told to my son that I'm pregnant. After I'd told him, he looked up and yelled, "Fuck this shit!" and walked out of the room. My son is nine years-old. FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 081
You deserved it 28 903

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shock98 0

apparently he doesn't want you to have another kid.


ILikeCheeseLOL 0

So I learned every cuss word when i was 7 and learned the f word when i was 6. thats because my best friend had a teenage sister that liked to cuss a lot and she cussed in front of her all the time. she told the words to me. then it passed down to the whole class. someone in the 2nd grade class liked to cuss a lot and had a kindergarden brother, and the kindergarden brother said the f word one day in school, then everyone in class picked it up. And that is an example of how kids learn this. And this was even in a CATHOLIC school.

MzTastee 0
LikelyYourFake 0

Great - and now you are going to raise another delinquent? Your kid is that young and talks like that to you? Boy... you must have raised HIM right. You need a license to drive a car, but anyone can have a kid. How wrong is that. YDI

No more South Park for you kiddo!! You have to respect your mom, whatever happens.

Your kid's a ******* badass, I like him.

manoverboard 0

I have a friend whose ten-year-old brother swears more than anyone I know. I personally don't swear a lot, but that's because I find weird ways to say swears so they're not as offensive. xP But that's our generation for ya. Full of pervs, dumbasses, and swearing little kids.

Bored_2_Death 0

I can not believe that some of you are blaming her for getting pregnant. Seriously, as long as she can provide for her kids she can have as many as she ******* wants. Who is anyone to say how many kids a person can have? As for the kid, seeing as the OP was suprised to hear her child cuss, she probably doesnt swear around him. He's a nine year old kid, he goes to school were Im sure the kids cuss.

1. Kids cuss, and that's my unfortunate, selfish, underprivileged, stupid generation. 2. There is the mass over-population dilemma to consider when thinking of having more than two kids.

Great job rasining your son. He's got a terrible mouth and thinks it's okay to get knocked up by strangers.

He's 9. Her job isn't near done. Some mother never stop raising their kids. And a bad-mouth can be fixed... Ivory soapbars. And we don't know it was a stranger, could have been his father? You don't know the woman's relation-status.