By Noname - 12/02/2009 06:00 - United States

Today, I went to a movie with my boyfriend. In the lobby, I asked why the glasses were not working. I said, "Do they only work inside the theater?" My boyfriend replied, "3-D glasses just work inside the movie, everything else in the World is pretty much 3-D." FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 426
You deserved it 134 894

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is more than a moment. What did you THINK the glasses would do?


This made me laugh so much. Good one genius!

Ange_fml 0

Okay I'M a natural blonde and I'm not that stupid. Why would you even post this? This isn't a FML this is a "I'm a complete idiot, I need help." Stop it with the dumb blonde joke comments! Jeesh! I hate dumb blonde jokes. Seriously, everyone has lapses in thought at some point. I'm in Honors, and I am blonde; so dumb blonde jokes can go f**** themselves. GR! xD

i have to agree, #59 i am blond naturally as well, and i find that most "dumb blonds" that i know actually dye their hair. lol "dumb brunettes!!!" lol jk

Well, my cousin is blond and is always making fun of themselfs and their sister always says she should have been born blond considering how ditzy she is (I was able to convince her that an alligator ate the phone she dropped in the sewer) and my blond cousin never finds it offensive, and in fact agrees so you got to chill, I mean I always get called a ginger and I don't really care cause its stupid.

this and half of the people commenting are SO much fail... so much.

Steelcitygirl14 0

lol....we all have our moments

hawaiianxpunchx3 0

LMAO. thats not so bad. i say stupid stuff like that all the time xP he probably thought u were joking lol.

not an FML. but a funny moment tho =D

spitfire921 0

wow miss thats a tad embaressing :) up your feet on the ground lol my sympathies to your boyfriend XD

kiss_me_kate 0

cute :) i love those 'blonde moments'