By mandy - 05/09/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I went out with my family and boyfriend for dinner. We were all having a good time, and suddenly at the end of dinner he decides to kneel down on one knee, take out an engagement ring, and say "I choose you, Pikachu," with a straight face. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 586
You deserved it 87

Top comments

ciaobella_fml 0

Aw thats so cute, did you say yes?


indiana_gal 0

awww lol that's cute you got a winner!

confirmpassword 0

chances are, if he's the type to do that, he's the type who previously would have referenced pokemon... and also the type i would totally marry

positivity 0

The positive side: Your guy seems like a true catch: Funny, sweet, and with cute interests. The negative: You don't deserve him, you boring sod.

OK... you know this guy is funny and sweet just because he likes Pokemon? He could be a drunken idiot, for all you know. And boring sod? Wow... Yes, I know I'm commenting a lot, but I have no life, so I don't care.

And what's with all the people going 'I'd totally marry him!' just because he likes Pokemon? Yeah, that's a fine thing to base a lifetime together off of.

Cormophyte 0

Jesus, people. It's a cartoon character. It -might- be sweet if it was just the two of them. Pretend that you're 40 and like things like the PTA and golf and you're not into cartoons, then pretend you have a daughter and she's getting proposed to as "Pikachu". Now imagine what you'd think of the guy that just did it. Being realistic for a moment here, at the very best, that girl now has a father with -that- opinion of her husband to be, if he's still not completely unsure of what the hell he was talking about. Christ, it would be like me quoting Captain Planet, or the Thundercats. Go-go Gadget Engagement?

kawa_fml 0

I clicked the 'you totally deserve it' button, because there isn't a 'that's freaking awesome' button. Lighten up, so what if he was joking a bit about something 'serious'? He's probably just a goofy guy, at least you know your life will be filled with laughs.

I totally agree! I know it's not a basis for life if she doesn't like Pokemon or whatever... It would be sooo cute if that was like their secret nicknames for each other or something. But I'd rather "I choose you, Pikachu" than "I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." BLEH, sooo overused. If my boyfriend said that to me, I'd think he was just bullshitting his way through the proposal, but her boyfriend clearly thought through how he was going to propose and tried to do it in a witty way. So she didn't like it. She can still say yes or no, the same way she would with a normal proposal. This shouldn't change her whole opinion of him... GEEZ.

triplethreat13 0

i'm not going to judge him based on hearing 4 words that he said, but that is really cute! i hope you said yes because if he can say that with a straight face he's a keeper!

Uzumaki_fml 0

Pikachu in japanese of course means small rodent on a television show that preys on small children. Or electric *****. FYL indeed.

Wow, your boyfriend proposed to you and you're complaining about the way he did it? The fact that your boyfriend is freaking awesome aside, you're acting like a bitch. Be happy he proposed at all.