By mandy - 05/09/2009 02:19 - United States

Today, I went out with my family and boyfriend for dinner. We were all having a good time, and suddenly at the end of dinner he decides to kneel down on one knee, take out an engagement ring, and say "I choose you, Pikachu," with a straight face. He was serious. FML
I agree, your life sucks 586
You deserved it 87

Top comments

ciaobella_fml 0

Aw thats so cute, did you say yes?


was he SUPPOSED to laugh? Even if he was joking a bit, What kind of person just bursts out laughing during a proposal for a joke they made :| that guy rocks.. i hope you decided to be hiz pikachu

THAT'S AMAZING. ydi for not appreciating how awesome he is

toomuchhistory 0

This is sort of cute, but not something I would want to remember as how my husband proposed to me. But it really depends on the person. A lot of people would find that totally adorable and extrememly memorable. It reminds me of something my ex would do. Showing off his personality like that.

socrkeeper001 0

this guy is probably an MLIA-er. he should dump you because you obviously dont appreciate his awesomeness.

Kylias 6

Aww, that's so cutecute...~ i want someone to propose to me like that!~