By CALIdime_15 - 05/05/2012 05:42 - United States

Today, I watched my boyfriend have a full on conversation with his penis. He also talks to his penis nicer than he talks to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 347
You deserved it 4 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't take it to heart. Maybe he and dicks just have more in common.


Try talking to your pussy when he can see/hear you. Just be sure not to echo too much, that is a real turn off to us guys.

op you have to remember that your boyfriend like most guys is kind of attached to his penis.

theevilduchess 12

You chose to be with this guy. It's not like you just realized he is nicer to his man bits than he is to you. So YDI, op.

TwiztedYuri 9

soon talking won't work. that's when you introduce him to viagra

Well he is kinda more attached to his penis, but still shouldn't be having full conversations with it.

ardencred 7

so when he is mad at his penis does he say "penis talk to the hand!"

He can control his penis better than he can with your boring self. Or why else would he talk to his penis OP

In all fairness, he's had a longer relationship with the little guy than with you.

sidvand 2

Small things amuse small minds!!!

Its either your boring or he's just a little on the slow side.