By laurenmay - 06/03/2009 23:11 - United States

Today, I was working at Target when an old woman asked me if I could help her find her favorite bra. I asked what brand it was when she replied "I'll check the tag". She lifted up the front of her shirt, and flipped one cup of her bra inside out. I saw everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 435
You deserved it 4 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportyserfer903 0

target ladies gone wild! woohoo!!


How can you NOT remember the bra brand name? I remember all of mine.

good thing that she didnt ask for your help for checking the tag LOL

I completely feel your pain! First day on the job same type of thing. Scared for life for sure!

Hah! Zuriel45 made me giggle!! What the **** is soooooo bad about nudity, young or old, male or female? It's natural, we're all human.

alex_vik 0

#11 - Well aren't you special? Did you ever think some people might not care? By the way, I'm a guy, so I'm just basing this off of the fact that I don't know the brand of any of my clothes, minus a couple pairs of jeans maybe.

Gray_fml 0

11- Um? I just buy what fits and never even take notice of the brand. It's really not much of a stretch to imagine some people don't know/care. However, I do know that most of my panties are made by the brand "Steve" but only because a) wtf kind of name is that for a girls' panties company and b) Steve is my boyfriend's roommate. haha. I am bewildered about the flipping the cup inside-out, though, I've never seen a brand name written there.

mandapanda 0

Some nicer brands will have the brand name printed on the inside of the cup. Not many do though.. don't think that you'd find one at Target though. And I feel your pain... mostly because my grandmother has no modesty when it's just the female relatives and gets pissed off if you lock the bathroom door while you bathe or use the toilet. Just because she wants to come in and talk... Also. #11. I don't really pay attention to my bra brand unless it was from Victoria Secret or something, generally it's just... oh this one's cute and they have my size. Awesome. Hell I often forget WHAT bra I'm even wearing until I peek down.

MissFae 0

Hahaha if I had a bra with a tag on the front I would so do that! :p