By laurenmay - 06/03/2009 23:11 - United States

Today, I was working at Target when an old woman asked me if I could help her find her favorite bra. I asked what brand it was when she replied "I'll check the tag". She lifted up the front of her shirt, and flipped one cup of her bra inside out. I saw everything. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 435
You deserved it 4 420

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sportyserfer903 0

target ladies gone wild! woohoo!!


Sportsfreak2034 0

who the **** does that? haha

JoBama 2

ewwwwww u should've sued her sexual harassement

This happens a lot in retail. It's funny because you know if you ever saw them anywhere else, they would never do that. Thankfully, at least. I'll tell you one thing, the image doesn't go away. =X

Lucky!!!;) It's actually rather disturbing...

Oh wow Quite traumatizing!! Hope u have some professional mental help on that one

HeyThereGorgeous 0

Eww. That's really gross LOL especially of she's Like ancient

HeyThereGorgeous 0

LOL grannies gone wild?! Choked on my water at that one . Hilarious!

irrelevantxx 0