By kaichennnxx - 17/03/2009 02:09 - United States

Today, I was with my grandma waiting in a line. She only speaks Chinese and there was a black man in front of us talking his phone. My grandma tells me that the black man's really loud and annoying. The man finishes and turns and said fluently in Chinese, "What's wrong with loud black men?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 249
You deserved it 31 951

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow hardly anyone can speak chinese fluently nowadays.

You know it sounds like Mr. Black man was more annoyed by the fact that granma specifically mentioned that he was black. My grandma doesnt speak English either and she would have said the exact same thing. Has anyone seen that "Professor Badass" picture that floats around the net? Thats the picture I have in my mind for this guy.


Minstrels 0

#100 Good for you! Doubtful they'll stop their behavior, but at least one person showed them. And I agree. Plus, a lot of people do it because, well, anonymity of it. Have fun when someone else understands. If you wouldn't say it just as loud in a language they can understand, why say it at all? Honestly. #102, lol! Nice! Good one. ;]

xD hahaha! i think its so wonderful to hear people of other races to speak chinese (I'm chinese myself) once i was on the train and these immature girls were insulting this white guy in mandarin, Unfortunately for them, on his stop, he paused before getting off and said in chinese that they should be more respectful

Aquaslash 0

and that's why you don't talk slag about people in foreign languages :V