By Noname - 17/03/2009 10:16 - United States

Today, I was walking through Macy's with my girlfriend. I stopped to admire a mannequin's ass, joking with my girlfriend like I was touching it. Then I slapped it. It wasn't a mannequin. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 644
You deserved it 211 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

HAHAHAHAHAHAH , smooth . did she slap you back ?

How do you not realize that someone is alive LOL Ditto #1


this is either fake or you are the dumbest person in the history of the world

Wow really? How couldn't you tell. Especially when joking around the person didn't move at all? Was it one of those people that dress up like a statue on a street for money? I'd think the unrealistic hair, obviously fake, plastic skin or possible cuts in teh mannequin for movement would have clued you in if it was a real person or not.

maedoc 0

so what did your girl friend do after that?

AlexJakubsen1 0

oh yeah, you thought she was a mannequin ;) ill be using that one.

shantoyamuchluv 0

Um...if you can't tell the difference between a real live person and damn mannequin, perhaps you shouldn't be allowed out in public.

Bubs_fml 0

Either you are unobservant or that girl knows how to stand VERY still.

kelseecook 0

hhHAHAHAHAH I AGREE WITH 10 its still funnny tho :)

this is probably the most likely fake fml on the site. like, its not even remotely believable