By lobstercola - 24/11/2012 16:35 - Canada - Edmonton

Today, I was walking through a crosswalk when a lady in a car looked at me with a horrified expression and then hit her door locks repeatedly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 037
You deserved it 2 597

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

Did you have a bottle of urine in your hand, by chance? Shame on you, trying to spray people in their cars. "Cleaning windows," riiiight!


johnny_derp 3

A profile study concluded that you were more likely to be victimized by someone of your own race because many times your guard is down and don't usually expect an attack.

Are you kidding me? Well, if that's true that's very sad to hear. Especially that people still separate humans into races :/

Blame the government. I have to bubble in *other because I'm a mutt.

carminecris89 13

That's awful. It reminds me of the time some woman saw me at a grocery store and pulled her two daughters close and away from me.

But it doesn't matter: i was already inside her car.

VScpu 3

I think you walked yourself into that situation

Don't take it personal if you're a man and it's dark outside.