By thanksjerk - 11/08/2009 05:01 - Canada

Today, I was talking with my friend-turned boyfriend and cutely told him that I could no longer remember all the things that he used to do that bothered me. He told me he could remember every one of mine and listed them all off for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 994
You deserved it 41 442

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I bet you remember at least one thing that he did that annoyed now? ;-)

maybe_tomorrow 0

Urgh, why are there so many girls saying that they told their bf's something 'cutely'?


sentran89 0

I think its nice that you can date knowing and acknowledging each other's flaws, it means it will probably last.

I remember this being done before recently. therefor ydi for non origional material

honeyishrnkdakid 2

cutely. (n.d.). Unabridged (v 1.1). Retrieved August 11, 2009, from website: –adverb in a cute, charming, or amusing way; cutely: In this type of movie the boy and girl always meet cute.

omg, stop whining. atleast you have a boyfriend. who obviously loves you, if he's still with you after all those annoyances.

If you don't love somebody with their weaknesses, then you don't really love them. You're a dumb bitch for thinking that this is a bad thing.

Every time I read an FML where someone describes themselves or what they were doing as being cute, sexy, pretty, or seductive, I give it a YDI.

annamg 0

There's nothing wrong with him thinking you have flaws, but he didn't need to rattle off a list like he was proud of it.

YDI for expecting a cutesy answer in return from someone with a penis.

Coprophobia 0

I agree, excellent one. But seriously, you do in fact deserve this. Why in hell would you ever say something like that? That's just an asshole statement.

why the **** would you say that in the first place? that isn't cute at all, i would be offended.

C00kiES_fml 0

DUDE that is totally ****** UP! shit man i would have said "ummm uuuuhhhh i dont think so you noe what no no no we r ******* DoooooooooooooonE"