By grampsisgay - 18/04/2009 00:46 - United States

Today, I was taking my boyfriend to the mall. In the parking lot I pointed out an old man in a vibrant pink sweater who was leaving by saying "He is so gay." My boyfriend got out of the car and walked towards the man calling "Hey Papaw!" It was his grandfather. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 256
You deserved it 80 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

did you not get the memo that pink is the new blue for straight men?


effmailyfe 0

i hope your boyfriend thinks you're as insensitive and lame as i do.

tdawgheath 0

#10...insecure much? I wear whatever I want, even pink, and I don't care if people think I'm gay...I'm straight.

blackxmortals 0

OMG PEOPLE! Being called gay is not an insult. I'm so sick of that shit.

agreed with #24, 84, and 85, nothing wrong with guys wearing pink and people that automatically say they're "gay" are just idiots

You're my hero! If I were your boyfriend I'd have laughed! Don't listen to these people. they're a bunch of oversensitive people with anger issues and no sense of humor. ;p

Jordykins 0

No, actually they're mature people who understand "gay" is offensive when used as a negative adjective.

Next time, we'll have a "Today, a coloured humanoid* crossed my path. I looked at my BF and said: look, a ni**** has escaped! My BF just stared at me, called me a racist and dumped me. FML" and a wonderful comment like "Aww don't listen to the other morons with there comments about how you're a racist or whatev'. I know better and I'm not an oversensitive person with anger issues and no sense of humor, since I have no brains and do not care about others. As long as I can make fun of people, who cares! Let's be homophobic, racist, discriminating! Those who might get hurt in the process are just morons that have a broom up their arses! Oh! I know! Let's just completly stop trying to respect one another's views, let's just crap on people that are different and that we don't understand! Let's get the KKK back in the game! Oh! And let's bring Hitler back! He'll understand gay jokes! Man that man knew how to party...!" (I know I'm pushing it but I'm making a point here.) *I'm trying to be politically incorrect but since I'm no racist, I have no idea what kind of demeaning words one might use... When you start labelling people because of how they look, you start discriminating. When you start using words that describe a minority, a group of people with common traits, to describe an attitude, a way of thinking, of being or whatever, especially if you use these words to describe something negative (Like Greedy &/or rich=Jew or Pink clothin &/or nice guy=Gay, etc..) you start being discriminating. And so on. See, I'd say I have humor. I'd say I'm a funny person. But there are things you cannot joke about without knowing that your audience knows you're joking. Indeed, one can laugh about everything and everyone. I'd say you can only start making fun of people when you can make fun of yourself. Otherwise you're just a prick with low self-esteem and a crooked, tiny mind. Btw, people, remember that when you start saying those kinds of things out loud in public places, kids might hear you and start repeating what you say. And the vicious circle is fed.

TallMist 32
ambrz 0
bossybanks 0

just because he is wearing pink doesn't mean he's gay. ydi!

ChicaChica5683 0

who makes fun of old men? rly?