By AngelAshley - 22/02/2010 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was swimming in the fast lane at the pool. A guy in blue trunks was swimming slowly and really getting on everyone's nerves. I took a break, and looking around I couldn't see him. I turned to the guy next to me and said, "Finally, Mr. Blue Trunks has f**ked off." It was Mr. Blue Trunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 559
You deserved it 39 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.


Hopefully, he was slow in the brain too and couldn't figure out he was "Mr. Bluepants."

xHabsfanx 0

Not really a FML, I mean what did he do after you said that, splash you with water?

Lol who would want a hug from that thing ^^^^

^^^ who would want a hug from that thing

Only thing rude about this is the fact the guy chose the fast lane eventhough he's going slow. That's inconsiderate as well as rude. Op also mentioned that blue trunks got on people's nerves, what makes you think the other swimmers would give a shit if Op expressed his/her anger to them like that? The asshole would be the idiot who chose to swim in the lane he can't handle and take up space other people can use more effciently.

Agreed. This was just a story people started to use as a reason to make fun of people. haha

pongmaster 0

lol snickerdoodles likes eating broken glass shoved in her own poo

gosh, ppl swim at differnt speeds and paces, learn to deal with it or rent out ur own private swimming pool to practice in! some ppl

he was in the fast lane. if he cant swim fast he should go to the regular lane...