By AngelAshley - 22/02/2010 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was swimming in the fast lane at the pool. A guy in blue trunks was swimming slowly and really getting on everyone's nerves. I took a break, and looking around I couldn't see him. I turned to the guy next to me and said, "Finally, Mr. Blue Trunks has f**ked off." It was Mr. Blue Trunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 559
You deserved it 39 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.


Did he realise that he WAS Mr. Blue Trunks?

This, if he was clueless enough to swim slowly in the fast lane, he may have been clueless enough to not realize that HE was Mr. Blue Trunks.

Don't be ashamed, own it. He was doing something rude and you have a right to be angry. It is better to tell someone something to their face than to sneak around their back. I bet he will never swim slowly in that lane again.

Quest_ 13

I do not believe that is his real name.

ndiesal 0

I have to agree with snickerdoodles too. Most of what she says is true, it's the way that she words it that creates the problem with some of you on here. The moral of the story is don't say shit like this to a total stranger - you don't know how they'll react. If you're there with a friend, fine, whisper it to them. And big fail for not seeing that it was Mr. Blue Trunks.

Take a chill pill. Maybe next time you won't blow a gasket when somebody does something you don't like. You'll also live longer.

xoluvinshayxo 0

wow... if you chewed this one over with a twix, you coulda told him you were talking about your old aunt pearl :/

lotsologan 2

win, especially the cat part. unfortunately for me I have happened to do that!