By AngelAshley - 22/02/2010 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was swimming in the fast lane at the pool. A guy in blue trunks was swimming slowly and really getting on everyone's nerves. I took a break, and looking around I couldn't see him. I turned to the guy next to me and said, "Finally, Mr. Blue Trunks has f**ked off." It was Mr. Blue Trunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 559
You deserved it 39 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.


Open mouth and insert foot, OP. Then again, if he really was as annoying as you make him out to be, he might have deserved a good ear-lashing anyway. You've got the powah, OP.

do20ss 4

NGM is right, op's not really an asshole he just got a lil pissed about the situation. It's not like any of you havent talked shit about somebody behind their backs. If you haven't snickers(i wouldnt be surprised, the way you talk shit on here)then good for you...nobody can judge on this because we have all done it. But it was kinda stupid to not look t his shorts first OP, DUMBASS lol

Don't say things unless you really know they're gone.

Snicker this is the first time you've made me laugh. I don't know why I hated you so much. OP you are retarded, and fail at life all that chlorine must have burned your eyesight out and your common sense if you ever had any. Snicker is actually pretty too.

alesanaFan420 0

snickerdoodles looks like a dike

then what happened did u get punched in the face?

Yah she is pretty, ugly, cmon man your either gay or never seen a real girl in your life, also I think the prick wouldve figured it out eventually that it was the speed lane, I would be willing to bet he was just being a doosh

bebz_fml 0