By AngelAshley - 22/02/2010 15:35 - United Kingdom

Today, I was swimming in the fast lane at the pool. A guy in blue trunks was swimming slowly and really getting on everyone's nerves. I took a break, and looking around I couldn't see him. I turned to the guy next to me and said, "Finally, Mr. Blue Trunks has f**ked off." It was Mr. Blue Trunks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 559
You deserved it 39 782

Same thing different taste

Top comments

noobgang7 5

wow keep ur mouth shut next time

You feel bad about him finding out everyone thought he was annoying? Shouldn't you have told him that he was too slow so he could get out and go swim into another lane? YDI for bitching about someone the entire time without doing something about it and then feel bad he found out.


leahcooper 0

good old ****** blue trunks eh?

I agree with NGM_47. Snickers tells people not to talk shit, then she talks shit about the OP.

ydi for being vulgar towArds people you dont even know.

killabeast1 0

Okay, so you were rude and immature for not telling him this was the fast lane. Also, you are not the only swimmer in the pool. You could have left, gone to do something else, or waited until he was gone. While it would have been easier to just tell him "hey you're kind of slow. Can you please move?" being rude about it to some guy who was just swimming makes you in the wrong here. You need to look at the people you are talking to. You are willing to be RUDE to a stranger and gossip and won't just talk to the guy? You have a retarded sense of propriety. Next time, realize your shit stinks too and you are not always perfectly polite, kind, and aware and just TALK To people.

Flutist 3

Okay Big Shot, as if you have never done anything rude or annoying. Instead of finding every possible moment to complain about people, have some patience and integrity and move yourself. Its not the end of the world that someone else is swimming slow. Also, why are you so willing to jump down the man's throat to a stranger and not willing to tell the man himself?

s_me_ashley 2

ouch i feel rlly bad for him i clicked the fyl thing on accedent but then clicked the other one...he prob felt rlly upset i bet he didnt even notice he was in everyone's way u should have been the mature one to go and tell him to move please