By James4929 - 08/01/2010 00:25 - United Kingdom

Today, I was on a long-haul plane journey home from my holiday. After 5 hours, I decided to stretch my arms whilst watching a movie. Little did I know that a little girl was approaching, running down the aisle as my arm stretched out. I accidentally clothes-lined a little 9 year old girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 327
You deserved it 4 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

brats parents should have their child under control.

CyclonePsycho 1

You know Twinklestar, I am glad you are privileged enough to be able to fly first-class anytime you want. But the rest of us simply can't chose the more expensive options. It's not up to everyone else to adjust themselves accordingly because children are roaming around the plane like little demons. YOU need to control YOUR kids. Is it too much to ask that school-aged kids not act like maniacs in tight crowded spaces? Just because we expect that kind of crap doesn't mean we should tolerate it. Sure she was just going to the bathroom. But why wasn't she walking? Babies and toddlers acting up is one thing, but that girl should have been taught better than to run down the aisle of a plane. Nine years old is old enough to know how to behave in public. She's not "little" by any standards.


I love this FML. I hope people on the plane had a good laugh.

dspadres 0

This is, without a doubt, my favorite fml ever.

This is the greatest, she deserved it for being small and annoying.

deoxylophone 0

she deserves it. she shouldn't have been running on a plane

If only someone else had stood up and yelled, "FINISH HER!"

haha that's amazing...i hate children that are up and down moving/running all the time when you're on a train or plane. it sucks. she deserved it lol

I think you're amazing. bet it felt good knocking a bratty little 9 year old over :) I'm not even being sarcastic

disgruntledyouth 0

You have nothing to be worried about the girl was the one running so she deserved it. That'll teach that kid for running around like a dumbass!

this is awesome, next time I'm on a plane I know what to do. no matter what I'm always stuck behind the loudest, most annoying kids. the worst part is when someone beside you has a baby and they crap their pants; yet the parents somehow can't smell it. I hate kids on planes. like many have said children should NOT be allowed on planes.