By wtfisgoingon - 28/04/2013 10:30 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was in the middle of having a shower when I noticed a camera hidden in the corner of the room pointing directly towards the shower which I stood in butt-naked. I live by myself and have recently only moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 349
You deserved it 3 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dyehardxen 19

Either call the police or call a friend to pull it out and follow the cord....I would bet it's the landlord/maintainer though...


Phoebe_Buffay 14

I always feel someone is watching me while I'm showering. you made my paranoia 50x worse.

Time to have a nice chat with the Pervy landlord.

If you have a GF it's just her kinky thing if not I'd say stage five clinger

TiffGreen 11

Oh no! Start packing up immediately and gtfo!

I have a feeling they were meant for the last resident, but you can never be sure. I would consider taking some equipment and removing shit from around the house before resorting to moving out, especially if you paid good money for the place.

I'm looking forward to this follow up!

Only one way to explain this. You have multiple personality disorder, and put it there in your creeper personality.