By wtfisgoingon - 28/04/2013 10:30 - United Kingdom - London

Today, I was in the middle of having a shower when I noticed a camera hidden in the corner of the room pointing directly towards the shower which I stood in butt-naked. I live by myself and have recently only moved in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 349
You deserved it 3 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dyehardxen 19

Either call the police or call a friend to pull it out and follow the cord....I would bet it's the landlord/maintainer though...


I'm a little curious. How exactly does op deserve this??

Jessj958 19

OP doesn't deserve this, there are just lots of assholes in the world today.

nek minute jigsaw from saw comes out and wants to play a game

Time for this creep to change their ways, defs go for something less obvious, like a teddy bear camera ! Derp. Whoever put that camera there is stupid -.-

septembers_over_fml 3

Thats disgusting. hope you reported that.

onorexveritas 23

creepy neighbors. file a complaint or move

Tim2415 16
Jessj958 19

I'm curious, what would police do in a situation like this? I'm sure it happens more often than we know, but it's not something you hear about all the time.