By Ricky - 17/08/2009 01:00 - United States

Today, I was home alone and I started to sing Halo by Beyonce. I was starting to get into it and began singing with more passion until the phone rang. It was my neighbor begging me to please shut the hell up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 413
You deserved it 42 832

Same thing different taste

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WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH STUPID METALHEADS HATING ON EVERYTHING THAT IS POPULAR? JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING ISN'T YOUR TASTE, DOESN'T. MEAN. IT'S. BAD. I listen to rock and when I hear fellow fans telling others that anything other than rock is crap, I just want to slam their faces into a brick wall. IT PISSES ME OFF. Point is: everyone's got their musical tastes. If you don't like what someone else likes, suck it up and move on. Don't criticise them because people are just gonna think your a retard.


newguy12 0

this is like the fifth FML like this, they're all exactly the same

I'll let you borrow my Reign In Blood CD. Turn up Slayer as loud as possible, you neighbours will love you for it. But your life does suck because you have crappy neighbours, FYL.

You deserve it for singing Beyonce while being male.

YDI because HALO is the worst ******* song ever

hahahahaha lmao the same happened to me once but the big difference is that i was singing Twilight Of The Thunder God by Amon Amarth, so yeah imagine a 15 year old girl singing a melodic death metal/viking metal song, and yes imitating the sound of the vocals and all hahaha.

Were you playing the game halo while singing it? cuz that's cool otherwise you suck.

AndelleRae 9

Am I the only one who think the OP should tell his neighbor to **** off? I mean, unless there was a valid reason for it, such as it being an apartment building, and the neighbor was trying to put a kid down for a nap or whatever, and the loud singing was too much of a distraction for the kid. However, if it was simply because the neighbor thought the OP was a shitty singer, too ******* bad.

Something similar happended to me: I was sing halo to when it was 3:00am and then my family came all mad because I had headphones on and I thought that I wasn't singing loud but I was P.s. I'm also a guy :-)