By Jill - 15/06/2013 04:19 - United States - Santa Rosa

Today, I was going through my daughter's contacts, except all of them had names from Harry Potter. I found the name "Mom." I was relieved I didn't have some silly name, until I realized it wasn't my number; it was her father's new wife. My number was under "Voldemort." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 349
You deserved it 22 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's probably because you go through your daughters phone. No sympathy from me Voldy.

Could it simply be because you lack a nose and not due to your "evil" ways as a Mom? If it's any consolation, if your kids hate you, you must be doing something right!


That's sad. It's a slap in the face to her mother. The kid probably feels this way because she's the authority/disciplinarian where as the dad and his significant other are the fun parents since the kid doesn't live with them. Hope it changes over time to appreciation for the kid towards the mom.

Astronaut01 11

I think your daughter and I would get along

Going through someone's phone, anyone's, is really un cool. No wonder your name is voldemort.

RealtreeGirl23 9
caligirllife 11

Depending on your daughters age, why were you invading her privacy to begin with if she is an adult? (for those who may start flaming me: yes op's daughter can be an adult who loves Harry Potter and perhaps grew up with it). If she is a child I can understand even though I don't agree with getting a 7 year old a phone if that is the case.

I work for a cell phone company, and I want to correct a misconception: you CAN'T request phone numbers dialed or text transcripts over the phone, it is an FCC regulation that we cannot give that info. The only way to get numbers is to go online or get a court order. As for texts, good luck. They aren't stored on a server we can access for privacy reasons. For a parent that truly believes their child is in trouble, going through the phone is often the only way to find out what's happening.

stingerz2012 11

At least it wasn't Umbridge! I hate her more than I hate Voldemort.

tjshatescra 8

Wow FYL. but this literally made me laugh out loud.

You need to have a talk with her. Apologize for going through her phone but it seems to me there might be more going on