By Jill - 15/06/2013 04:19 - United States - Santa Rosa

Today, I was going through my daughter's contacts, except all of them had names from Harry Potter. I found the name "Mom." I was relieved I didn't have some silly name, until I realized it wasn't my number; it was her father's new wife. My number was under "Voldemort." FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 349
You deserved it 22 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's probably because you go through your daughters phone. No sympathy from me Voldy.

Could it simply be because you lack a nose and not due to your "evil" ways as a Mom? If it's any consolation, if your kids hate you, you must be doing something right!


With that kind of invasion of privacy, are you ******* surprised? Really?

You know, you CAN be a responsible parent and discipline your child WITHOUT invading her privacy. Just sayin'.

Ermahgerd 4

Voldemort you cannot be, as you are being quite NOSY about your daughters buisness!

Apparently she knows exactly what she's on about. I'd call you nosey but that'd hurt more than intended, eh Voldy?

I have my mum's ringtone set to sing "Voldemort" to the tune of Lollypop (Potter Puppet Pals) when she texts me. She is a harry potter fan as well though

Why were you going through her phone? Need clarification there; either you're really nosy or she's an untrustworthy sneak. But honestly, if you can't trust her enough to be responsible with her cell phone, just take the damn thing away already!

who would want a normal name as a contact anyways