By dajfleasd - 25/07/2009 22:22 - United States

Today, I was getting ready for a date. I spent extra time getting ready in the shower, making sure I was all shaved. I was shaving my upper lip to make sure I didn't have a mustache. I cut my lip really badly, leaving the most noticable razor cut on my face for my date. I'm a girl. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 064
You deserved it 27 708

Same thing different taste

Top comments

DuhthatsObvious 0

Pluck, thread, or wax instead, smart one.

No No No No No. What the hell were you THINKING shaving your FACE? You know how guys get stubble? You may as well say goodbye to your sex life now before you get too attached.


random6x7 0

I've been shaving my 'stache for awhile now, and it's actually less noticeable than it was when I used a depilatory cream, because I deal with it every couple of days in the shower rather than once a week or two. Those depilatory creams are nasty to deal with, and it's easy to end up with a chemical burn. Same with bleach. Sexy! Plucking's too time-consuming and painful, and threading and waxing both require a certain length to grow in and hurt a lot on such a sensitive area. Besides, I'm poor and in a rural area; even if I could find someone to do threading, I couldn't afford to go all that often. Y'all sound more like you're disgusted by women doing something so "masculine", rather than actually well-informed about the risks. It's cheaper, easier, quicker, and, at least in my case, works better to shave. The vast majority of us are incapable of producing enough facial hair to have the sort of stubble you can actually feel. OP: that does suck, though! I hope you figured out a good excuse, since by the sound of these morons, you needed one.

FlaminYawn 0

As long as a girl never lets her facial hair grow out, I'm cool. If I see a little but just ONCE then it's over cuz my attraction to her is ruined for life. There's one advantage though, facial hair girls have more testosterone and therefore want to **** more...

picklejuice2 0

i'm going to have to say try not to shave up there; it normally grows back as stubble. unless your lucky =] waxing and depilatories are good options; threading may actually be better and faster though. you can also try plucking which is what i do.

Shave? You SHAVE your face?! That's a really good way to get a full blown mustache. Bleach that bitch next time.

Haha I don't have a mustache :) Sucks for you. :P

why would you shave your face if you were a chick? its gonna get all prickly yknow. ew.

lol iunno what kind of chicks you hang around with but ive never had to shave any part of my face

I agree with most, shaving isn't the way forward.

holy shit, Are you mental, Okay so if you've got a mustaache, pluck that shit, no one will know, YDI. If you shave it will be prickly. dude do anything but shave. Mental ****, I hope your date went alright but I hope to god he noticed and for that didnet kiss you, no one wants a girl who shaves her face:O Woahhhhh Good luck next time, but you just went totally wrong and haha @9 ahah true, any mark on the face just blame it on your cat/dog/ whatever pet with nails :P Anyways lesson learned,. do not shave the face if your a girl

illixir 0

Shaving may not technically cause it to come back thicker, but for the reasons you mentioned it does make hair come back in a much more noticeable fashion and thus in areas like these should be avoided.