By betterthanhodor - 08/11/2014 14:09 - United Kingdom - Woodbridge

Today, I was getting everything ready for mine and my husband's first wedding anniversary. Flowers, check. Crisp new bed sheets, check. Silk underwear, check. Crippling cramps and an early period, check. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 995
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pain relieving pills, check. postponed sexy time, check check check.


skittyskatbrat 19

And this is why, unless you physically can't tolerate them, it's a very very good idea to start on the pill before your wedding. You can push the period back a few days and/or guarantee it's not going to be on your wedding day. Of course, no one realizes this until afterwards... which really sucks. FYL :(

Guys don't realize how hard it is having our "amazing" bodies. -.-

What makes you think it's harder to be a girl? Guys have to be careful every time they sit down or they can squash their testicles which is far, far more painful than any period cramps, and they get random uncontrollable erections which are both embarrassing and can be uncomfortable depending how restrictive their clothing is, plus they get accused of being perverts etc. Considering we can take painkillers, various types of birth control and have a whole host of sanitary products to use, periods are far more controllable. I'd say it's actually harder to be a guy.

77 - You clearly must have very light period symptoms.

Please don't start with the whole "one sex has it harder than the other" arguement because it's very stupid. Both sexes have very heavy struggles, it's just different struggles. Neither have it better or worse. Also, I agree with #91. If you think period cramps can't be that bad, try my period for a week.

I've heard of lemon juice stopping periods! Maybe try that..? Or at least they lighten them. Sorry about your luck, OP.

Hate to say it, but your username is false. Nothing is better than Hodor. Nothing.

Nice timing. **** periods, and cramps too.

hogwired08 2

While I don't understand the pain of that time of the month, I understand the irritation of it showing up early on your 1 year anniversary. This happened to my wife in October.