By betterthanhodor - 08/11/2014 14:09 - United Kingdom - Woodbridge

Today, I was getting everything ready for mine and my husband's first wedding anniversary. Flowers, check. Crisp new bed sheets, check. Silk underwear, check. Crippling cramps and an early period, check. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 995
You deserved it 4 275

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pain relieving pills, check. postponed sexy time, check check check.


Poor hubby. He just has to roll with the flow.

Just move to the shower, sex is a great pain killer.

Really sucks, but it is indeed cute how much you seem to love him.. I mean your heart is bleeding! No? Okey.. FYL tho.

martin8337 35

If there's a red tide in the funhouse, then you gotta use the shithouse.

unwantedforlife 14

Drink lots of lemon juice. Worked for me in college to delay it and/or stop it.

Don't see why not, #48. It's the cramps that are likely to ruin poor OP's evening.

Cause of all the blood. That was just a guess lol

It's never bothered me. In fact, sex can help to relieve the cramps. I know it sounds gross, but the blood actually helps with lubrication. Just put a towel down first! Loads of people say it's BJ time but that sometimes makes it worse because you often have to contort into odd positions.

It's true that not only sex but also masturbation can help relieve menstraul cramps and bloating. However, many people have a very heavy period. I have a very heavy flow for the first 3 days so I would just ********** maybe in the shower and put the sex off for a few days. But I hear there are sponges and different products that make sex on your period mess free!

Red Wings. Earn them man. Both pairs. ;-)