By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, I was fired for being a very happy and perky employee. According to my boss, it freaks both the customers and my co-workers out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 007
You deserved it 6 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

qhostred 0

Unless you work at a funeral home, I really don't see anything wrong with being happy

Well if they didn't appreciate you the way you were, then **** em.


sparxva 12

That's considered creepy strange behavior at the funeral home. Or the DMV for that matter...

I "agreed, your life sucks" Your fml now reads "according to your boss it freaks people out" and underneath that in gray its says "It definitely does" ...I thought it was funny...

Sue him, and ask your former coworkers if they r really freaked out by you being awake and alert, my guess is that they're not and your boss is just a tool.

DomoLaDii 8

U can do something about that cant u..? i dnt think u can get fired JUST for that...

Nabi_fml 4

if you are TOO happy, it does freak some people out. They tend to think you do drugs too. I work with someone like that.

Well, if you work at a morgue, happy and perky just won't do it.

sceptic 1

True... Can't stand people like you

Wow that sucks, keep on being yourself though, some other job will appreciate it :)

fml_seriously316 13

A lot of places could need -and would love having- happy and perky workers. Try working at one of them. If you can find one.

I guess this would only be a problem if you worked in a funeral directory :/