By Lexiebear27 - 19/09/2011 15:56 - United States

Today, I was fired for being a very happy and perky employee. According to my boss, it freaks both the customers and my co-workers out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 007
You deserved it 6 812

Same thing different taste

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qhostred 0

Unless you work at a funeral home, I really don't see anything wrong with being happy

Well if they didn't appreciate you the way you were, then **** em.


You should sue them that's not a reason you can legally fire someone.

Well, sometimes it's really not suitable. Probably somewhere deep in your soul you know when you did something that freaked them out. Don't you?

Yeah, it said 'gushy' instead of 'perky' before.

I doubt that's why you were fired. bosses love false excuses just to get people the **** out. you were probably just annoying.

Since we're only getting OP's side of the story, I can't help but suspect that they were doing something that was actually annoying/creepy. People tend not to recognize their own behaviors that are off-putting to other people.