By tvaladie - 17/04/2009 00:19 - United States

Today, I was bored and decided it would be fun to pretend to be an undercover cop and pull over other cars. The first car I pulled over was a real undercover cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 139
You deserved it 350 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you're retarded. You know you can go to jail for that?


Dude! What the hell? You could get shot, arrested, or worse! You're either very unbalanced, or possibly making this up? Who the heck pulls people over out of boredom?????

poolshark 0

Yes, #118, I did... and since then I've hired someone to read these to me so I can keep up with this shit even w/o my eyeballs. FML?

You are incredibly stupid. What you did is illegal, as I'm sure you found out.

As fun as it sounds, I don't see why you would actually do that. Play a video game or something dude..

thinkinghurtzzz 0

wait, how do you pull someone over if you're not a cop wtf?

SuicideSaint_fml 0

Wow, this is truly stupidity at its finest.

... Logic processes, you do not has them.

kitkat009 0

hhahah thats so funny and awesome.. your the man