By tvaladie - 17/04/2009 00:19 - United States

Today, I was bored and decided it would be fun to pretend to be an undercover cop and pull over other cars. The first car I pulled over was a real undercover cop. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 139
You deserved it 350 293

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow, you're retarded. You know you can go to jail for that?


well then you're stupid, aren't you?

52 your not a cop. and its a federal offense to impersonate one. so dont. OP you are an idiot and quite honestly I would have followed you and had you arrested.

i agree w/ #5, thats illegal u know, and idk how did u do that did u have something that made your car stick out and b able to pull over some1???

shayna19m 1

hahaha oh my god, that is too great. :D! my dad's an undercover cop, and i would PAY to be in his car with him when a fake undercover cop pulled him over. your like my hero.

Nice going, idiot. Not only was your idea moronic, but how incompetent do you have to be to pull over an unmarked cop car? Hint: don't pull over white Crown Victorias or Imapalas.

dg72592_fml 0

woowwwww i dont vote YDI that often but that is actually ******* retarded.

fullmetalshot 0

i call bullshit as well.... there are alot of things missing from this story for it to work sorry my freind