By Anonymous - 28/10/2011 15:52 - United States

Today, I was bitched out by my 17 year old son's teacher. It seems the idiot teacher made the kids advocate for his own political beliefs in a presentation, and my son ended his speech saying, "And it remains my opinion that our instructor is cramping my motherfucking style." Instant suspension. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 576
You deserved it 5 682

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Buttsexpirate 9
sp4ksu_fml 4

well maybe the teacher should lighten up a bit and stop crampin styles...


guitgod1 11

You're son might have chosen a better way to say it but good for him. Teachers should not use their position of authority to impose their beliefs on impressionable young people, shame on him for doing so.

Ahahaha that's hilarious, but real talk: If you want to make an A in the class, you gotta do what the teacher wants. I've had professors that are totally anal about certain details that I personally thought was dumb, but I sucked it up and did it anyway.

joee182 3

I woulda applauded him at the end of his speech haha

Lemon_phat, what the hell does "well never know" mean? Is that some kind of stupid person slang?

gpd_deputy_1 6

Haha I think he's awesome! Well, he will probably end up in prison one day, but until then, definitely awesome.

as a lawyer I can say that political free speech is actually one of the most heavily protected rights and if the teacher chose for his/her students to invoke this right, then it falls on them to bear the consequences of that action the political correctness of their expression should therefore be covered by either the constitution if u are are in Australia, the amendments of the constitution if you are in the US or the bill of rights itself, or alternatively by the common law if you are in a common law related country and they owe your son/ daughter an apology.

theevilduchess 12

Wow, I just had some heavy legal knowledge dropped on me. Dig it!

Can I suggest not showing your clients that profile pic, it won't quite fill them with confidence.

chels1994 11

I wish I was there to hear that

crazycrystal 4

Talk to the principle. My mom bitched out my high school assistant principle and principle many times because of the stupid reasons I got in school suspension or detention...ex: wearing school spirit pajama pants to school that the school sold.

xStaciexLynnx 15

That's because you can't wear pajama pants to school, you twit.

rubberduckie72 4

luna i am forever at the school for my son because he is very intelligent and tends to correct teachers when they are wrong and likes to ask qiestioms that stump the teachers and overwelm the class when he is bored. he is now in independent AP Study for two of his classes.

xStaciexLynnx 15

Rubberduckie- no offense but I don't think being too intelligent is luna's problem...